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Sample Lessons

Ellii is a subscription‑based resource site for English language teachers. We develop student‑focused ELL lessons that are designed to spark meaningful discussion and dialogue in the classroom. Our lessons help boost fluency and focus on all four language skills, and they are used by thousands of schools in more than 100 countries.

Take a peek at some samples from various Ellii (printable) lesson sections below. If you like what you see, simply subscribe to get access to 1,000+ ready‑made lessons, 3,000+ flashcards, and a large collection of additional resources and digital tasks. We develop and add new materials every month.

Distracted Driving

from Discussion Starters

Int – High Int

The Discussion Starters lessons (Int – Adv) feature relevant, thought-provoking readings and question sets that you won’t find in most textbooks. Through various practice exercises, students gain speaking confidence, allowing them to join real-world discussions outside of class. In this sample lesson, your students will discuss the different types of distractions drivers have, including texting, playing music, and even eating while driving.

Online Privacy

from Mini-Debates

High Int – Adv

The Mini-Debates section (Int – Adv) gives students an opportunity to read about a real-world event or issue and take a stand. Each lesson includes useful expressions for debating. In our sample lesson about online privacy, students read about Facebook's historic privacy breach that put CEO Mark Zuckerberg in the hot seat. Students debate the responsibility of companies and the government in protecting user data.

What Did You Do Yesterday? (Irregular Verbs)

from Basic Grammar Sentences

Beg – Low Int

Do your students need to learn basic grammar structures? Each lesson in this section (Beg – Int) includes vocabulary development tasks, listening exercises, and speaking activities. This illustrated sample lesson helps students learn irregular verbs through writing practice, a pair information gap, a listening task, and a class survey.


from Simple Sentences

Beg – Low Int

Students need a lot of practice talking and writing about everyday subjects like health, transportation, and daily routines. Lessons in this thematic grammar section (Beg – Low Int) feature example sentences, review exercises, and picture dictionaries. In our sample lesson, students review animal vocabulary as they practice writing sentences and questions using the simple present tense.

Making Introductions at Work

from Functional Business


In this lesson, students learn what to say when meeting people for the first time in a business setting. This lesson is also useful for managers who need practice introducing colleagues and putting new employees at ease with small talk.

Simple Present & Present Progressive Stories

from Grammar Stories


At Ellii, we believe that reading and listening to stories is a great way to learn grammar in context. All our Grammar Stories lessons (Beg – Int) feature two to five stories (with audio) followed by comprehension questions and writing tasks. Check out our sample lesson to see how the simple present and present progressive tenses can be introduced or reviewed through stories.

Second Conditional

from Grammar Practice Worksheets


This grammar section (Beg – Adv) features lessons filled with useful, everyday language that will boost your students' grammar skills and help develop their fluency. Our sample lesson on the second conditional includes a variety of writing and speaking tasks, a review of “hope” and “wish,” and a mixed review of the first and second conditional.

How to Write a Summary

from Writing in English

Int – High Int

These comprehensive writing lessons (Beg – Adv) provide instruction and practice for academic, business, and everyday purposes. Each lesson focuses on a specific writing skill or type of writing. In this sample lesson, students learn how to write an objective summary of a written work. Students view an example of a summary and try a step-by-step approach.

Identifying the Main Idea

from Reading in English

Low Int

These comprehensive reading lessons (Low Int – Adv) provide instruction and practice for academic, functional, and business purposes. These lessons include instructional content, reading examples, and reading/writing tasks, and assessment. In this sample lesson, students practice identifying the main idea. This lesson section is currently being developed. Watch for new lessons monthly!

What's Your Name?

from Super Simple Questions

Pre Beg

Each lesson in this section (Pre Beg) focuses on a single question and a basic language target. These lessons include ready-made dialogues that your beginners can listen to at either a slow or natural pace. This sample lesson gives students practice asking and responding to one of the first questions students will hear in English. It also offers a review of the alphabet.


from Living in English


This section (Low Int – High Int) comprises theme-based modules full of practical vocabulary and idioms required for living in an English-speaking country. These four-skill modules can be completed over an extended period of time. This sample unit covers topics such as vacations, public transportation, and automobile parts. Students read formatted texts, including bus schedules and brochures.

Simple Present

from Super Simple Grammar

Pre Beg – Beg

In this section (Pre Beg – Beg), lower-level students complete basic grammar drills. Each visually rich lesson includes a picture dictionary, a set of written drills, and a quiz. In this sample lesson, students practice the simple present tense with subject pronouns and nouns.

Giving Personal Information

from Functional English

Beg – Low Int

Our Functional English section (Beg – Int) features dialogue-based lessons designed specifically for newcomers in an English-speaking country. Lessons include downloadable listening files and ready-made assessment tasks. In this sample lesson, students review questions and responses for providing basic personal information, including names, addresses, and phone numbers.


from English Basics

Pre Beg – Beg

These visually rich lessons (Lit) were designed specifically for low literacy learners. They feature helpful visuals and symbols, large font, and minimal instructions. Each lesson includes easy assessment tasks and tools. In this sample lesson, new learners are introduced to basic money concepts including symbols, coins, and bills. Students learn how to identify, say, and write basic amounts.


from Role-Plays

Int – Adv

Lights, camera, action! This section (Int – Adv) contains scenarios and prompts that encourage learners to use everyday English in real-life situations. In this sample, students practice speaking in a variety of settings related to shopping. Our role-plays include pair practice handouts and common, useful expressions.

Asking for Directions

from Everyday Dialogues

Low Int – Int

The lessons in our Everyday Dialogues section (Beg – High Int) include a practice dialogue, a recorded listening, a follow-up activity, and a writing task. They also include review activities that can be used for assessment. In our sample lesson, students practice asking for directions. They listen to the dialogue and then practice substituting related expressions in order to find their way around their communities.

Susan B. Anthony

from Famous People

High Int

Each lesson (Beg – Adv) in this ever-growing collection includes a biography (with audio), comprehension questions, vocabulary development tasks, and discussion questions. In this sample lesson about Susan B. Anthony, students learn about a famous American woman who helped women gain the right to vote in the United States. This lesson includes an integrated grammar review on the third conditional.

The Great Barrier Reef

from Famous Places


These reading-based lessons (Int – Adv) focus on architectural monuments and geographical locations of historical or cultural significance. Each lesson includes vocabulary practice and comprehension as well as a downloadable audio file. In this sample lesson, students learn about the threats to the Great Barrier Reef. This lesson includes a review of modals of advice.


from Word Bank

Pre Beg

Our Word Bank lessons (Lit – Pre Beg) focus on very basic English words that you would find in a picture dictionary. Each lesson includes a picture dictionary, word puzzles, and listening practice. In this sample lesson, student learn words for common forms of transportation.

George Washington

from American Presidents

Int – Adv

This section features a biographical lesson (Int – Adv) on every American president. The readings include interesting facts from American history. In this sample lesson on George Washington, students learn about and discuss 18th-century tensions between the British and the colonists.

Soccer / Football

from Sports & Leisure


These reading lessons (Int) focus on popular team and individual sports played around the world. Students learn the history and basic rules of each sport. In this sample lesson on soccer/football, students read about and discuss the rules and history of the world's most popular sport.

World War I

from Historic Events

Int – High Int

Our Historic Events section (Low Int – Adv) features news stories that have captivated the world at various points throughout history, including recent history. Each lesson includes a one-page reading about the history and significance of the event as well as vocabulary, comprehension, and discussion tasks. In our sample lesson on World War I, students read an article about the “Great War” and discuss how warfare has changed. This lesson also includes a review of the passive voice.

Organic Food

from Health Matters


The lessons in this section (Int – Adv) are based on modern topics about healthy living and are centered around magazine-style lists. In this sample lesson, students learn some interesting facts about organic food. They also role-play an interview with a farmer, review how to express their preferences with rather and prefer, and write their own reasons to buy or not buy organic food.

Blue Jeans

from Famous Things

High Int

Our popular Famous Things lessons (Low Int – Adv) feature science topics, revolutionary products, inventions, and other “things” that have helped shape or influence our lives and economies. Each lesson includes a one-page reading as well as comprehension questions, vocabulary development tasks, and discussion questions. In this lesson on blue jeans, students learn about denim and review comparative adjectives.

Earth Summit Project

from Group Projects

Int – Adv

These project-based learning modules (Int – Adv) can be completed within a two- to four-week time period along with other coursework. Each theme-based project includes research tasks and presentations that are useful for individual, peer, and group assessment. In this sample project, groups learn about environmental issues that are affecting our planet.

Internet Entrepreneurs

from Business Matters


The lessons in this section (Int – Adv) provide high-level readings and discussion topics about real-life issues for Business English students. Each lesson includes comprehension questions, pair jigsaw readings, vocabulary development tasks, and group assignments. In this sample lesson, students look at the fast and successful rise of young entrepreneurs.

Valentine's Day

from Holidays & Events

High Int

This popular section (Beg – Adv) will enlighten your students about holidays, traditions, and special events from around the world. In this sample lesson (High Int), students learn about the history, symbols, and various legends of Valentine’s Day. This lesson also includes thematic idioms and everyday expressions. In addition to the high-intermediate lesson, we have two more Valentine’s Day lessons (Beg and Low Int) for lower-level learners.


from Pronunciation

Beg – Low Int

Do your students know their ABCs? This section is full of illustrated lessons (Lit – Low Int) that allow your learners to practice printing, pronunciation, and spelling. In this sample lesson, students learn to reproduce the /r/ sound through various speaking and listening tasks. The lesson culminates in a minimal pair task with /r/ and /l/.

Prepositions of Place

from Fun Grammar Lessons

Beg – Low Int

The lessons in this grammar section (Beg – High Int) were designed for young learners, but low-level adult learners love them too! Each lesson is full of pictures and fun activities with grammar notes and exercises on a single grammar target. In this sample lesson, students learn common prepositions of place through engaging speaking and writing tasks about furniture and animals.


from Discovery

Low Int – Int

This reading section (Low Int – Int) features interesting facts about topics that young learners and middle schoolers love to learn about. Each lesson includes warm-up questions, vocabulary tasks, a short reading, comprehension questions, and a listening gap-fill task. This sample lesson on bicycles includes interesting facts and history that dates back to the Wright Brothers.

Making Travel Plans

from Travel English


Travel English is a 13-part series (Int) that follows the Baxters as they book and take a trip to New York. Your students will learn and review vocabulary and expressions used when traveling in English-speaking countries. In this sample lesson, the Baxters are making preliminary travel plans. By the end of the series, they are on the plane heading home.

1. Applying for a Job

from English at Work

Int – Adv

English at Work is a business English series (Int – Adv) based on real-life scenarios in an office setting. It has an ongoing storyline (with downloadable audio) that begins with a job search and ends with a resignation letter. Students practice business writing, talking on the telephone, negotiating, and instant messaging. In this sample lesson, Lee, the main character of the series, applies for a job. Students review job ads and email writing.

Jon Meets Amy

from Everyday Idioms 1


The lessons in this section (Int) tell the ongoing story of Jon and Amy through 20 short English dialogues. Each lesson introduces ten new idioms and features an audio recording, a comprehension task, vocabulary development tasks, and a shuffled dialogue activity. In this sample lesson, Jon and Amy meet for the first time.

Comfort Zone

from Everyday Idioms 2

Int – Adv

Do your students love idioms? Students are introduced to multiple idioms in each of the 15 conversations with Kate as she deals with the ups and downs of campus life. This section (Int – Adv) includes vocabulary development tasks, discussion tasks, and pair activities for plenty of idiom practice. In this sample lesson, Kate tells a secret to her best friend while she is packing for her first year at a Canadian university.

Long-Lost Friend

from Everyday Idioms 3


In this section (Int), students learn everyday English and common idioms through an ongoing series of 20 dialogues. Each lesson contains various listening, vocabulary, speaking, and writing tasks, and the idioms are recycled throughout the series for maximum retention. In this sample lesson, Carlos invites his former English classmate, Eugene, to join him in New York City to brush up on his English.

The Father

from Detective Series 1

Int – Adv

The Case of the Missing Ring (Int – Adv) is a whodunnit for English learners! This English mystery course features lessons and quizzes full of idioms and characters that your students will grow to love. Each episode features a dialogue (with downloadable audio) between the famous Detective Bossley and one of his prime suspects. Your students will make predictions throughout the course to help solve the case of the missing wedding ring. In this sample lesson, Detective Bossley gets down to business by interviewing the father of the bride.

A Recipe for Disaster

from Detective Series 2

Int – Adv

Detective Bossley is back with a new case that takes place in a high school. This English mystery course (Int – Adv) features 12 lessons and quizzes full of idioms and everyday language. Each episode features a dialogue between Detective Bossley and a student, staff member, or other suspect. Your students will make predictions throughout the course and help solve the mystery of who keeps pulling the fire alarm. In this sample lesson, the principal assures a concerned parent that Detective Bossley will get to the bottom of things.

Buy a subscription to Ellii to access all of our lessons and flashcards for professional English teachers.

Rely on Ellii for wonderful teaching resources that help you teach a better class. Our ready‑made materials are designed for teaching English to teens and adults anywhere in the world. We also have kid‑friendly lessons for young learners and middle schoolers as well as lessons for literacy classrooms. We add new materials every month to always keep your classroom content fresh and current.