Ellii for Adult Ed

Ellii is the ideal content solution for any English language program. The platform is packed with ready-made lessons, courses, resources, and videos designed specifically to enhance, supplement, or build a dynamic adult ed curriculum. With topics and content ranging from life skills to citizenship to workplace English, Ellii's massive digital and printable library helps your organization deliver more successful learning outcomes for all your English language students.

Adult ed collection on Ellii.Ellii Lesson Interviewing for a job speaking task on a smartphone.

Ellii checks all the boxes

  • WIOA compliant
  • Career-specific pathways
  • Time-on-task reporting
  • ESL-focused materials
  • Aligned to CASAS competencies
  • Super user-friendly
  • In-class or self-study options
  • Truly cost-effective
  • Ideal for hybrid learning
  • Simple to administer
  • Performance reporting & visibility
  • Real-world content
  • High student engagement
  • NRS or CEFR level settings
  • Aligned with ELPs
  • EL Civics
  • US Citizenship

Used & loved by many adult ed programs around the world

"I love your quick response time to any questions I have. I love that the topics you use are relevant to adult learners. Great resource!!"


"My students and I really appreciate the grammar lessons—the explanations are very clear and the exercises provide useful practice. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Ellii team for always being courteous, professional, and responsive."


"Ellii provides engaging and relevant topics for teens and young adults. Their topics are vast and up to date. Their lessons are an absolute time-saver. I know I will have a mix of activities for each topic such as discussion questions, vocabulary building, writing practice, and often role-play or debates for excellent speaking practice. Each lesson covers practice in all four language skills."

Renae Caneday

Anoka-Hennepin School District

"Ellii is AMAZING. The pronunciation videos are so helpful for my students. The lesson plans and worksheets are excellent!"


"The resources at Ellii have been invaluable to me in planning lessons for my adult ELL students. Because there is such a variety of materials, I can tailor my lessons to the immediate needs of my students. As they encounter situations in the real world, I can provide them vocabulary, grammar, and phrases that are relevant and useful to them right away. I love being able to assign practice for them, and I often provide them with a digital copy of our lessons so they can go back and review.”

Cheryl C.

Adult ESL Teacher

"Ellii is a great tool for adult discussion classes. It really added a lot of structure to my classes and made it much more streamlined for my students to follow and practice."


"Ellii has been my saving grace for my mixed-proficiency classroom. I struggled for so long to find materials that were relevant, engaging, appropriate, AND differentiated to the multiple levels within my classroom. It has been a total game changer!!"


"I love your website. It’s clearly laid out. Worksheets are beautifully structured. The content is incredibly comprehensive, catering to all levels and interests. I’ve learned lots myself from the invention of the bicycle to the origin of blue jeans! Students always enjoy material from your site."


"This website has grown tremendously over the years. It is the go-to place when you are looking for something fun, academic, and/or current for your classes. The developers are continually listening to their users and creating content that is relevant and engaging. Every ELL program should have an account with ellii.com!"

Virginia M.

Georgian College

"This platform is vital to my daily instruction with adult learners. I appreciate both the worksheets and the interactive video lessons. I subscribe and host my class online so that they can watch and listen to lessons during independent learning time. I was at a loss when I took this job because it doesn’t follow a curriculum. Ellii has given me a framework for all my grammar lessons and lots of good ideas for conversation in class. My students really enjoy the online portal. I highly recommend subscribing for all the additional resources."


Waltham Public School

"Ellii has taken all the pain out of lesson planning. It has made my life so much easier as I used to waste hours working on lesson plans."


ESL Teacher

"I have students speaking English regularly now who just came to this country only a few months ago!"


NYC Department of Education