4,000+ flashcards designed for language teachers
Every language student benefits from clear, well-presented images. Elicit, teach, and reinforce vocabulary and grammar points using Ellii’s comprehensive flashcard tools.

Find great images for all your teaching needs
From food to sports, from prepositions to daily routines, our comprehensive flashcard library is organized into commonly taught language themes and targets. Use our search tool to instantly find the images you need.

Build, customize, and save image sets
Build flashcard sets unique to your students’ needs. Modify or customize the text. Save to folders for easy access.

Create your own PDF image files with Flashcard Maker
Our images can be saved as PDFs with or without text. You can choose how many images to display on each page. In an instant, you can have full-size flashcard sets or mini-cards for games, activities, and picture dictionaries.

Present your image sets live with Flashcard Player
Whether you are teaching in class with a projector or sharing your screen online, our Flashcard Player lets you easily present your custom sets of images to your students in real time.

Get started with Ellii
You’ll be set up and teaching a more successful class in minutes.