2,000+ English lessons that put your students first
The best language teachers start with a well-planned, engaging lesson. Lead every student to success with our ever-expanding lesson library.

Find relevant content—fast
Search for, sort, and filter lessons based on your students’ levels, interests, and needs.

Print, photocopy, and distribute PDF lessons
For more traditional English programs, our printable PDF lessons are fun, student-focused, clearly designed, and full of collaborative activities.

Broadcast digital lessons in class or online
For language teachers who incorporate devices and technology in class, our dynamic digital lessons let you present content interactively to your students.

Stay organized with folders
Create custom folders to plan ahead, save your favorite materials, or build a curriculum.

Your students want to discuss real issues
Students learn best when they are interested and invested in the topic. Our discussion and debate lessons focus on real‑world current events, sparking meaningful conversation in class.

The Sugar Industry

Trophy Hunting

Minimum Wage

Distracted Driving

Gender Inequality




Food Waste


Space Tourism

Climate Change
Grammar should be taught with confidence and enthusiasm
Learning grammar is hard. Teaching it can be even harder. Our grammar experts use clear explanations with engaging and relevant tasks to help you teach the structure at play.
Language learners need variety
No single textbook offers everything your students need to build a solid language foundation or achieve fluency. Here at Ellii, we create academic, functional, and conversational materials for all ages, levels, and needs. We are continually modifying and improving our materials based on research and teacher feedback.
Get started with Ellii
Better content means better results. You'll be set up and teaching a more successful class in minutes.