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Career Pathways for Newcomers

August 14, 2024

Q. What is Ellii (formerly ESL Library) best known for?
A. Ready-made lesson plans!

Q. What has Ellii become known for in the past few years? 
A. Ready-made videos!

Q. What has Ellii been focusing on in 2024?  
A. Ready-made courses!

Creating ready-made lesson plans for English language teachers continues to be a priority at Ellii as it has always been. However, each year, the Publishing team tries to add content that is new or innovative, whether its related to a trend/theme (social-emotional learning), skill (speaking), modality (videos), or need (workplace English).  

Throughout 2024, Ellii's Publishing team has been focusing heavily on developing full courses with a workplace theme. That does not mean we have stopped making individual lessons and videos! You can find all of our new content in our What's New? monthly collections, including six individual lessons that were released with the launch of our NEW Career Pathways section.

Career Pathways

This new digital-only lesson section, available in our Academic & Workplace English genre, is suitable for high-beginner to low-intermediate adult ELLs who are looking for work or considering job opportunities in an English-speaking country. These lessons are exploratory in nature and ideal for self-study. They feature real photos rather than illustrations, a common request from today's teachers. 

Each lesson includes: 

  • a vocabulary preview task, featuring 10 keywords with real photos
  • a short reading about a job (with audio)
  • a reading comprehension task 
  • a gap-fill listening task
  • a quiz


We launched this new section with six popular career choices for newcomers.

Watch for new lessons regularly and use the comments to let us know which career pathways your students are considering so we can add these lessons to this section.

Related Workplace Courses

To find Ellii's related courses, go to our Courses & Study Packs page and filter to the Workplace category. Be sure to check back regularly. Here are some Workplace courses we have released (or are working on) in 2024:

Related Ellii Poll

Get your students thinking about jobs with this interactive Career Pathways Ellii Poll.

Did you know that unlike Ellii's lessons and courses (which require a subscription), Ellii Polls are free for anyone to use? Learn how to access Ellii Polls and invite students here.

Related Media 

We also have Flashcard sets related to many of these Career Pathways. Find these in the At Work & On the Job genre in the Flashcards area of our Media Gallery. 

Do you use Ellii's Silent Clips? We're working on a new video category full of action verbs related to popular jobs. (Coming this fall!) 

Is there a job your ELLs are interested in that you would like to see added to Ellii's Career Pathways section (or expanded into a full Ellii course)? Is there a task or activity you would like to see added to existing and future lessons in this section? Please leave a comment for our Publishing team. 

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Comments (4)

Worcester R.(Teacher)

Loved this ! Exploring this whole section now and will definitely use it. I would love to see these lessons
Working as a Nursing Assistant
Working as a Pharmacy Technician
Working as a Dental Assistant
Working as a Phlebotomist
Working as a Custodian
Working as a Paraeducator targeted to intermediate /high intermediate students. Also, a few more roles that keep coming up : Hotel housekeeping ; Medical translation ; School bus driver ; Office Manager/Receptionist; Paralegal

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Tara Benwell(Author)

These are some great new topics. Thank you! And thanks for letting us know you'd like to see these offered at a higher level.

Worcester R.(Teacher)

My ELL's also keep asking for a course on immigration terms, legal jargon. Not sure if that's on your road map

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Tara Benwell(Author)

Great suggestion!

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