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5 Ways to Maximize Your Use of Ellii

August 1, 2024

Each month, I closely review the feedback and requests that come in via Ellii's Teacher Survey

We get such wonderful testimonials and helpful feedback from this survey! Here is one request that came in this week:

"Providing more robust training materials for teachers to maximize the use of Ellii's features and improvements would greatly enhance my ability to provide high-quality education to my students."

Helping teachers maximize their use of Ellii's planning tools and other features is something we are focusing on heavily in 2024. From attending and hosting conferences to building out Help Docs and explainer videos, we are always experimenting with how best to deliver training and offer support. This Teacher Traning Module is a great place to start!

Are you an Ellii subscriber? Here are five things to try if you want to maximize your use of the platform:

1. Subscribe to Ellii's YouTube Channel

The Ellii for Teachers YouTube channel  (www.youtube.com/@elliiteachers) is where we post all of our helpful videos for teachers, including short explainers and long-form demos of Ellii's new features and updates.

2. Visit Ellii's Feature Release Blog Post

Ellii's product team releases a series of new features and updates every six weeks! These updates are often based on customer requests. Visit this post regularly to see what's new and updated throughout the year.

3. Use Ellii's Help Docs

When you are logged in, you will see a menu underneath your name in the top right corner. Click on the Help section to find articles with step-by-step instructions and screencaps on how to use all of the features on Ellii. The Help area also has its own Search field for features.

4. Contact Ellii

We have a dedicated customer support team that is available to answer your emails. If you have questions or feedback that you want to give directly to a person at Ellii, you can use this Contact form. It is located in the footer of every page on Ellii.

5. Get What's New? Content Notifications & Newsletters 

Ellii's publishing team sends out a What to Teach This Week newsletter every Monday. You can also watch for new content in our What's New Collection. We also send out email updates about important features and updates. Go to your Account settings (in the menu underneath your name). Then choose Notifications and make sure you are getting the updates you want and need. 

Are you an Ellii subscriber? What feature or tool do you rely on for teaching English? Is there a feature or tool you want to learn more about?

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