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English Skit for ELLs: Spring Fever

March 20, 2018

Has spring sprung in your neck of the woods? Have you taught your learners some spring idioms? Spring Fever is an easy skit to celebrate the beginning of spring. This skit has five main parts (one narrator and four neighbors). There are also a few lines for the chorus (other neighbors). You can change the names to your students’ names. Happy Spring!


  • Narrator
  • Ella
  • Lucille
  • Juan
  • Ralph
  • Neighbors (who will say everything in bold)


  • sunglasses or Easter bonnet for Ella
  • cane or gray wig for Lucille
  • briefcase or file folder for Juan
  • garden tools for Ralph
  • rakes or brooms for the neighbors


Spring Fever

The energetic, joyful narrator stands in the center of the stage. Each character walks toward the narrator (or performs an appropriate action) when it is his/her turn to speak. The other neighbors (the chorus) can busy themselves raking or sweeping in various corners of the stage. The chorus joins in for all of the idiomatic language and expressions in bold.

Narrator: It’s the first day of spring and I am full of the joys of spring. Let’s see how my neighbors are doing. Here comes Ella. She’s a ray of sunshine. Well hello there. Happy spring! How are you today?
Ella: I couldn’t be better! I have spring fever. Don’t you?
Narrator: I sure do! Oh, look. Here comes Lucille. Hi, neighbor. Long time no see. How is your back?
Lucille: Well, I may be no spring chicken, but even I have a spring in my step today!
Narrator: That’s great to hear. Oh look. Here’s my friend, Juan. He seems to be walking on eggshells. Is everything okay, bud?
Juan: I sure hope so. I have a job interview today.
Narrator: Didn’t you just get a new job?
Juan: You know me! The grass is always greener on the other side.
Narrator: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket! Hey, have a look at Ralph. He seems ready to spring into action!
Narrator: [shouting to neighbor who is kneeling in garden] Happy spring, Ralph! You aren’t planting flowers already, are you?
Ralph: You bet I am! Everything is coming up roses!
Narrator: [aside to the audience, skeptical that winter won’t return] Don’t count your chickens before they hatch!
Narrator: [to Ralph] I think I’ll spring for some tulips myself!
Narrator: [back to audience] Well, there you have it, folks! Spring has sprung! How are things looking in your neck of the woods?


Vocabulary Meaning
full of the joys of spring very joyful
a ray of sunshine a person who is very positive
spring fever a feeling of happiness when balmy weather returns
no spring chicken not a young person anymore
have a spring in one’s step to feel alive and energetic
walking on eggshells feeling nervous
bud a friend (short for “buddy”)
the grass is always greener on the other side one always thinks the alternative will bring more happiness
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t rely on one thing to make you happy or achieve success.
Everything is coming up roses. Life is wonderful.
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Don’t get too excited until you know that something is really going to happen.
spring for to spend a bit more money on something
your neck of the woods your neighborhood/community


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Comments (12)

Anonymous A.(Teacher)

This is great! Thank you so much. I appreciate the integration of the idioms into the role play. This will be great speaking practice for our group.

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Tara Benwell(Author)

Thanks, Sharon! We hope you have fun with it. Happy first day of spring!

Laurie (Guest)

We enjoyed performing the skit! It was a first for our group so we skipped the props, but it was super fun. I believe the ability to act out the new language was very effective. I especially liked the role of the chorus, so that everyone has a part. I look forward to incorporating this activity in the future. Thanks! One addition I will add in future is 'seeing the world through rose colored glasses'. And I also explained that, at least in my opinion, 'everything's coming up roses' is a little dated, and I could see it being used today more as sarcasm. All in all, a fab lesson!

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Tara Benwell(Author)

Hi Laurie. Thanks so much for sharing! We loved hearing about your experience with this skit. You're probably right about everything coming up roses. Idioms become dated quite quickly these days! We hope you'll try one of our other skits, too! Thanks again for taking the time to write in.

Debra H.(Teacher)

Hello, Is the podcast still available? It is not working on my end. Thank you

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Lei Kayanuma(Author)

Hello Debra! For this activity, we actually do not have any accompanying audio that goes along with the skit. If you are looking for skits with an audio component, you may enjoy the Detective Series 1 & 2 (PDF and Digital Versions) You can look for the computer and audio icons when searching for something with an audio component. Happy teaching!

Asha K.(Teacher)

It's great! The use of Idioms is great too! Talking about
seasonal changes, it's a good Interacting activity. To let the
learners learn new vocabulary a pair activity will be good.
It will motivate them to practice and learn.

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Tara Benwell(Author)

Hi, Asha! I'm happy to hear you like the skit. Let us know if you try it with your students!

Mercedeh F.(Teacher)

I enjoyed the conversation and the idioms. Thanks!

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    Heather K.(Teacher)

    Love it!

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    Tanya Trusler(Author)

    We're happy to hear that, Heather!

    Kevser A.(Teacher)

    Love it so much! Hope I'll have a chance to try it with my students..

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